9 Septembre 2020 By Vincent Courses



2024 Informations spectateurs

Dear International participants,

We come back to you to keep you informed of the changes that will affect you. First of all, our contacts with the Deauville’s Prefecture is still positive about the event. The authorization, given in July is still effective, even if we must be aware that it can change at any time, as the situation is constantly evolving.

We are obviously adapting to the situation and we are doing everything we can to protect you, our volunteers and our suppliers. Additional sanitary restrictions are being developed, concerning the spectators and the wearing of masks, which is compulsory – outside of competition. We will give you more details in less than ten days.

As a reminder, because of the sanitary protocol and COVID-19 restrictions, bibs will be sent by post. FOR INTERNATIONAL TRIATHLETES please notify that you are not concerned by this.

You will collect your bibs on your race day, to the claims stand on the Tri Expo Deauville – Boulevard de la mer. In order to collect your bib you must present your ID card and bib pass. You also need to send your medical certification or licence by e-mail before the 21 of Septembercontact@triathlondeauville.com


Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, please note and respect the following health measures:

– Wearing a mask will be mandatory throughout the event.

– Please use the hydroalcoholic gels provided by the organization on site, to wash your hands.

– Prioritize your travels.

– Limit your accompanying persons

This period is not simple for anyone and the situation is constantly changing, we do not give up and we persevere.

Martial Fesselier et Grégory Brussot

Co-Directors of the Deauville International Triathlon.